• 18 October 2016, Tuesday
  • Moscow, Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya, 12, Congress-center WTC

International Electric Power Forum «RUGRIDS-ELECTRO» 2016

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2740 дней назад
с 9:00 18 October до 19:00 19 October 2016
Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya, 12, Congress-center WTC

The forum is a key platform for annual meeting of thousands of energy community professionals. Its program of activities features a variety of debate and interactive panels, as well as an exhibition highlighting the scientific and technological potential of Russian and international electric power companies. The key industry event will be covered by many media outlets, including federal TV channels, business radio stations, print and online media, and industry-specific sources.

The Forum is designed as a practice-oriented communication platform enabling participants to discuss needs of the integrated power grid of the Russian Federation and its improvement in the short and long term by setting a standard of intelligent solutions, as well as exchange of best practices in technical and innovation policy implementation.


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